3.2 Syllabus
3.2.1 Grading
The grading breakdown is as follows:
- Classwork: 10%
- Homework/Project: 30%
- (Take-home) Mid-term exam: 10%
- (Take-home) Final Exam: 50%
- Total 100%
The grading scale will be:
- 0 – 4,9 Suspenso (SS)
- 5,0 – 6,9 Aprobado (AP)
- 7,0 – 8,9 Notable (NT)
- 9,0 – 10 Sobresaliente (SB)
3.2.2 Course Format
- Lectures are held on Wednesday and Thursday at 10:10am.
- Students are expected to attend all lectures; participation is recorded, and incorporated into students’ grades.